The following serve as the Club’s Liason to The Garden Club of America and provide the club with pertinent information about various GCA activities.
Club Administrators
The President and Corresponding Secretary serve as the Club Administrators, keeping their club's membership list up-to-date on the GCA website and for updating the roster of position holders for the club. Contact them promptly if you there are changes to you contact information.
Wendy Russell
Connie Wissing
GCA Bulletin Chair
The Bulletin Liaison supports the purpose of the GCA by submitting horticultural, educational, environmental and historical content for publication.
Wendy Russell
Carol Taylor
Club Archivist/Historian
Katherine Maroney
The Club Liaison to the GCA Scholarship Committee keeps Members current on the administration of GCA scholarships and educational programs and helps to achieve greater awareness of these scholarship offerings, current scholars, and the Hull Award.
Judith Spruance
Founders Fund Liason
The Club Liaison to the GCA Founders Fund Committee is responsible for reporting the Club’s vote for the Founders Fund Award, which supports projects in local communities proposed by member clubs. The GCA awards a total of $50,000 annually to three projects selected by the committee and presented for a vote by all GCA club members. Click Here for more information about the GCA Founders Fund and other GCA Grant Programs.
Peggy Barton